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ГЛАВНАЯ > Вернуться к содержанию
Статьи автора Джанаби Якуб Сабих
Мировая политика, 2022-2
Dzhanabi Y.S. - What in store for the Iraqi-American bilateral relations with Biden in the White House? c. 26-34


Abstract: The goal of the research: attempt to find out the most important future options or possible or anticipated scenarios for Iraqi-American relations. Study methodology: the study was conducted on the basis of the descriptive and analytical method , as well as on the basis of the history curriculum that lists the historical background of the differences between Iraq and America. The research problem: Washington and Baghdad are linked by very complex and intertwining bilateral relations, seeing as Washington and Baghdad have been keen over the past years to cooperate along with achieving bilateral interests. At the same time the two countries faced a number of thorny issues that prevented this from being achieved, chiefly the rejection The US military withdrawal from Iraq, and the continuous development of Baghdad’s relations with Tehran, in addition to the continued targeting of US interests in Iraq. The limits of the study: there are the spatial limits of the research Iraq and The United States. The importance of the study: the study is based on the importance and position of Iraq within the Middle East. In addition, there is the fact that the United States is a superpower and thus the strategy and the stances it will take will have far-reaching implications for the future of Iraq. Study results: The Biden administration will seek to begin a new American approach to Iraq; perhaps in the same way as he sought during his tenure as Vice President in the Obama administration.
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