Статья 'Когда психоаналитик болен: аспекты самораскрытия' - журнал 'Психология и Психотехника' - NotaBene.ru
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Психология и Психотехника
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Б. Пайзер Когда психоаналитик болен: аспекты самораскрытия

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются вопросы, касающиеся «неизбежного», «непреднамеренного», а также «намеренного» личностного раскрытия психоаналитика. Исследуются технические и личные соображения, влияющие на решение психоаналитика раскрыться, а также внутреннее чувство ответственности и возможные клинические последствия, связанные с самораскрытием, при этом особое внимание уделяется динамике переноса-контрпереноса, терапевтическим задачам и отрицанию сопротивления. Автор описывает свою клиническую работу в период продолжительной болезни, иллюстрируя на примерах, как самораскрытие может быть как изредка возникающей аутентичной потребностью, так и стандартным важным компонентом клинической техники.

Ключевые слова:

психология, философия, личностное самораскрытие, психоаналитик, лечение, невроз, клиническая ситуация, интерпретация, человек

Abstract: The article considers the issues connected with ‘inevitable’, ‘undeliberate’ and ‘deliberate’ personal revelation of a psychoanalyst. The author studies what makes the psychoanalyst to decide to reveal his personal information during a session as well as the inner feeling of responsibility and possible clinical consequences of it. Special attention is paid at the dynamics of transference and counter transference, goals of the therapy and denial of resistance. The author describes his own experience in clinical work when he was sick. He illustrates how self-revelation may be an authentic need as well as an important component of a psychoanalytical technique


psychology, philosophy, personal self-revelation, psychoanalyst, therapy, neurosis, clinical situation, interpretation, humanq

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1. Bromberg P.M. (1995). Resistance, object-usage, and human relatedness. Contemp. Psychoanal, 31:173-191.
2. Dewald. P.a. (1982). Serious illness in the analyst: transference, countertransference, and reality responses / Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 30:347-363.
3. Dupont J., Editor (1985). The Clinical Diary of Sandor Ferenczi. Translated by M. Balint 8c N. Z.Jackson. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1988.
4. Ehrenberg D.B. (1995). Self-disclosure: therapeutic tool or indulgence? Countertransference disclosure. Contemp. Psychoanal, 31:213-2528.
5. Ferenczi S. (1933). Confusion of tongues between adults and the child. The language of tenderness and of passion. In Final Contributions to the Problems and Methods of Psycho-Analysis. New York: Brunner/Mazel. 1980. p. 156- 167.
6. Freud S. (1915). Observations on transference-love. (Further recommendations on the technique of psycho-analysis III.) S£., 12.
7. Greenвerg j. (1995). Self-disclosure: is it psychoanalytic? Contemp. Psychoanal, 31:193-211.
8. Jacobs T.J. (1995). Discussion of Jay Green berg’s paper. Contemp. Psychoanal, 31:237-245.
9. McLaughlin J.T. (1995). Touching limits in the analytic dyad. Psychoanal. Q., 64433-465
10. Modell A. (1991). The therapeutic relationship as paradoxical experience. Psychoanal. Dialogues, 1:13-28.
11. Morrison A. (1997). Ten years of doing psychotherapy while living with a life threatening illness: self-disclosure and other ramifications. Psychoanal. Dialogues, 7:225-241.
12. Pizer B. (1994). The analyst’s countertransference: use and abuse of intimacy and power. Presented at the spring meeting, Division of Psychoanalysis, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, April 16.
13. Pizer S. (1992). The negotiation of paradox in the analytic process. Psychoanal. Dialogues, 2:215-240.
14. Renik O. (1993). Countertransference enactment and the psychoanalytic process. In Psychic Structure and Psychic Change: Essays in Honor of Robert S. Wallerstein M.D., ed. M.J. Horowitz O.F. Kernberg & E.M. Weinshel. Madison, CT: Int. Univ. Press. p. 137-160; (1995). The ideal of the anonymous analyst and the problem of self-disclosure. Psychoanal Q, 64:466-495.
15. Weakland J.H. (1960). The “double-bind” hypothesis of schizophrenia and three party interaction. In The Etiology of Schizophrenia, ed. D.D. Jackson. New York: Basic Books. p. 373-388.
16. Winnicott D.W. (1969). The use of an object and relating through identifications. In Playing and Reality. New York: Basic Books, 1971. p. 86-94.
1. Bromberg P.M. (1995). Resistance, object-usage, and human relatedness. Contemp. Psychoanal, 31:173-191.
2. Dewald. P.a. (1982). Serious illness in the analyst: transference, countertransference, and reality responses / Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 30:347-363.
3. Dupont J., Editor (1985). The Clinical Diary of Sandor Ferenczi. Translated by M. Balint 8c N. Z.Jackson. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1988.
4. Ehrenberg D.B. (1995). Self-disclosure: therapeutic tool or indulgence? Countertransference disclosure. Contemp. Psychoanal, 31:213-2528.
5. Ferenczi S. (1933). Confusion of tongues between adults and the child. The language of tenderness and of passion. In Final Contributions to the Problems and Methods of Psycho-Analysis. New York: Brunner/Mazel. 1980. p. 156- 167.
6. Freud S. (1915). Observations on transference-love. (Further recommendations on the technique of psycho-analysis III.) S£., 12.
7. Greenverg j. (1995). Self-disclosure: is it psychoanalytic? Contemp. Psychoanal, 31:193-211.
8. Jacobs T.J. (1995). Discussion of Jay Green berg’s paper. Contemp. Psychoanal, 31:237-245.
9. McLaughlin J.T. (1995). Touching limits in the analytic dyad. Psychoanal. Q., 64433-465
10. Modell A. (1991). The therapeutic relationship as paradoxical experience. Psychoanal. Dialogues, 1:13-28.
11. Morrison A. (1997). Ten years of doing psychotherapy while living with a life threatening illness: self-disclosure and other ramifications. Psychoanal. Dialogues, 7:225-241.
12. Pizer B. (1994). The analyst’s countertransference: use and abuse of intimacy and power. Presented at the spring meeting, Division of Psychoanalysis, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, April 16.
13. Pizer S. (1992). The negotiation of paradox in the analytic process. Psychoanal. Dialogues, 2:215-240.
14. Renik O. (1993). Countertransference enactment and the psychoanalytic process. In Psychic Structure and Psychic Change: Essays in Honor of Robert S. Wallerstein M.D., ed. M.J. Horowitz O.F. Kernberg & E.M. Weinshel. Madison, CT: Int. Univ. Press. p. 137-160; (1995). The ideal of the anonymous analyst and the problem of self-disclosure. Psychoanal Q, 64:466-495.
15. Weakland J.H. (1960). The “double-bind” hypothesis of schizophrenia and three party interaction. In The Etiology of Schizophrenia, ed. D.D. Jackson. New York: Basic Books. p. 373-388.
16. Winnicott D.W. (1969). The use of an object and relating through identifications. In Playing and Reality. New York: Basic Books, 1971. p. 86-94.
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