Статья 'The social situation of development of a modern teenager' - журнал 'SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences' - NotaBene.ru
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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
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The social situation of development of a modern teenager

Арон Ирина Станиславовна

кандидат психологических наук

доцент, кафедра истории и психологии, Поволжский государственный технологический университет

424000, Россия, Республика Марий Эл, г. Йошкар-ола, Пл. Ленина, 3, каб. 440

Aron Irina

PhD in Psychology

associate professor of the Department of History and Psychology at Volga State University of Technology

424000, Russia, Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, Lenin's sq., 3, room no. 440

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Аннотация: The research subject is the detection of the typical age, socio-cultural and individual characteristics of the social situation of development of a modern teenager, on the basis of conceptual regulations of the cultural and historical psychology on the dynamics of a child’s mental development. The methodological and practical value of Vygotsky's concept of "social situation of development" is substantiated. On the basis of the analysis of researches by domestic psychologists, directed on the identification of the substantial structure of the social situation of development, the author designates objective and subjective components of the social situation of development. There with, the special role of a subjective component of the social situation of the development defining the personality activity degree concerning the environment influences is accented. The results of the theoretical analysis of a social context, and also of subjective aspects of the social situation of development of modern teenagers, are presented. It is noted that the main age-typical characteristics of the social situation of development of a teenager are aspirations to join the outside world of adults and age-mates, and behaviour orientation to norms and values of this world. The socio-cultural characteristics of the social situation of development of a modern teenager are caused by the influence of numerous factors, mainly those of negative content. Individual factors of the development of teenagers also quite often have negative psychological content. That is confirmed by the author, from examples of the content analysis of the social situation of development of teenagers without parental support, teenagers with deviant behaviour and teenagers with endowments signs. The conclusion of the need for the optimization of the social situation of development of a modern teenager is drawn.

Ключевые слова:

cultural and historical psychology, social situation of development, development source, teenager, age-typical characteristics, socio-cultural changes, teenagers of a "risk group", orphan teenagers, deviant teenagers, endowed teenagers

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