Статья 'Стандарты ВТО и правовое регулирование в рамках Таможенного союза ЕврАзЭС: вопросы соответствия' - журнал 'Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations' - NotaBene.ru
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Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations
Правильная ссылка на статью:

Можуга В.В. Стандарты ВТО и правовое регулирование в рамках Таможенного союза ЕврАзЭС: вопросы соответствия

Аннотация: This article concerns correspondence between the legal regulation standards in the Customs Union of the EurAsEC and the WTO standards. Special attention is paid to the norms of the Customs Code of the Customs Union in correlation with the provisions of the International Convention on the simplification and harmonization of Customs procedures .Additionally, the author provides a classification of regional trade agreements depending on economic and economically related integration of the states. The author discusses legal issues regarding the need to follow legal obligations imposed upon the states by various international legal documents. The author draws the following conclusions: 1. The normative legal basis of the Russian Federation is based upon the WTO standards and it generally corresponds to their requirements. The presence of the bilateral treaties between Russia and the third party states is legislatively required and it does not contradict to the WTO requirements. 2. There is need to bring the terminological basis of the Customs Union into correspondence with the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol, first of all, in the sphere of provisions of the Chapter 3 of the General Annex. 3. Improvement of some procedural norms of the Customs Code of the Customs Union based upon the general principles and standards of the Kyoto Convention is one of the priority vectors of its development.

Ключевые слова:

Таможенный союз, Киотская конвенция, региональные торговые соглашения, интеграция, международная конвенция, Теория экономической интеграции, Преференциальные торгово-тарифные соглашения, Экономический союз, ЕврАзЭС, таможенный кодекс

Abstract: This article concerns correspondence between the legal regulation standards in the Customs Union of the EurAsEC and the WTO standards. Special attention is paid to the norms of the Customs Code of the Customs Union in correlation with the provisions of the International Convention on the simplification and harmonization of Customs procedures .Additionally, the author provides a classification of regional trade agreements depending on economic and economically related integration of the states. The author discusses legal issues regarding the need to follow legal obligations imposed upon the states by various international legal documents. The author draws the following conclusions: 1. The normative legal basis of the Russian Federation is based upon the WTO standards and it generally corresponds to their requirements. The presence of the bilateral treaties between Russia and the third party states is legislatively required and it does not contradict to the WTO requirements. 2. There is need to bring the terminological basis of the Customs Union into correspondence with the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol, first of all, in the sphere of provisions of the Chapter 3 of the General Annex. 3. Improvement of some procedural norms of the Customs Code of the Customs Union based upon the general principles and standards of the Kyoto Convention is one of the priority vectors of its development.


the Customs Union, the Kyoto Convention, regional trade agreements, integration, international convention, economic integration theory, preferential trade and tariff treaties, the Economic Union, the EurAsEC, the Customs Code.

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3. Мошкина Н.А. Реализация интересов государств в условиях интеграции (на примере таможенного союза России, Белоруссии и Казахстана) // NB: Международные отношения. - 2012. - 1. - C. 80 - 91. DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2012.1.32. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_32.html
1. Voronina N.A. Soyuznoe gosudarstvo Rossiya – Belarus': opyt pravovogo regulirovaniya // NB: Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. - 2013. - 3. - C. 52 - 67. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wl/article_9061.html
2. Bela Balassa The Theory of Economic Integration. London. Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1962.
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