Статья 'Охрана компонентов биологического разнообразия и правовое регулирование обеспечения равного доступа к извлекаемым из них благам: реализация положений конвенции о биологическом разнообразии' - журнал 'Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations' - NotaBene.ru
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Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations
Правильная ссылка на статью:

Редникова Т.В. Охрана компонентов биологического разнообразия и правовое регулирование обеспечения равного доступа к извлекаемым из них благам: реализация положений конвенции о биологическом разнообразии

Аннотация: The goal of this article is to provide characteristics of the implementation of the main goals of the Biodiversity Convention, preservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of its components and joint use of benefits from genetic resources on just and fair basis. The article provides characteristic features of the key measures in the national legislation, which are aimed to achieve these goals. Special attention is paid to the problem of implementation of the goal of provision of equal access to genetic resources and fair distribution of benefits from them. The author provides an overview of the provision of the Nagoya Protocol to the Convention, which is fully devoted to the legal regulation of the above-mentioned problem. One of its novelties includes detailed provisions on the possible benefits from exploitation of genetic resources. The author provides characteristics of the Russian Federation being the state with vast natural resources, including diverse animals and plants, which allows to treat it as a state providing genetic resources. At the same time in order to develop science and the modern production technologies it is necessary to use genetic resources from other regions of the planet. The author substantiates the need for the Russian Federation to join the Nagoya Protocol.

Ключевые слова:

экологическое право, биологическое разнообразие, генетические ресурсы, обеспечение доступа, справедливое распределение, конвенция, протокол, блага, природные ресурсы, устойчивое развитие

Abstract: The goal of this article is to provide characteristics of the implementation of the main goals of the Biodiversity Convention, preservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of its components and joint use of benefits from genetic resources on just and fair basis. The article provides characteristic features of the key measures in the national legislation, which are aimed to achieve these goals. Special attention is paid to the problem of implementation of the goal of provision of equal access to genetic resources and fair distribution of benefits from them. The author provides an overview of the provision of the Nagoya Protocol to the Convention, which is fully devoted to the legal regulation of the above-mentioned problem. One of its novelties includes detailed provisions on the possible benefits from exploitation of genetic resources. The author provides characteristics of the Russian Federation being the state with vast natural resources, including diverse animals and plants, which allows to treat it as a state providing genetic resources. At the same time in order to develop science and the modern production technologies it is necessary to use genetic resources from other regions of the planet. The author substantiates the need for the Russian Federation to join the Nagoya Protocol.


environmental law, biodiversity, genetic resources, guarantees of access, fair distribution, convention, protocol, benefits, natural resources, sustainable development.

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1. Нагойский протокол регулирования доступа к генетическим ресурсам и совместного использования выгод. Секретариат Конвенции о биологическом разнообразии. Программа Организации Объединенных Наций по окружающей среде. Канада, Квебек, 2011.
2. Christine Godt. Enforcement of Benefit-Sharing duties in User Countries // Genetic Resources, traditional knowledge and the Law / Ed. By G. Winter and Evanson C. Kamau. Earthscan, 2009.
3. Christian Gersteller. Sharing Benefits of Using Traditionall Cultured GRs fairly// Genetic Resources, traditional knowledge and the Law / Ed. By G. Winter and Evanson C. Kamau. Earthscan, 2009
4. Gerd Winter. Towards Regional Common Pools of GRs – Improving the Effectivenes and Justice of ABS // Genetic Resources, traditional knowledge and the Law / Ed. By G. Winter and Evanson C. Kamau. Earthscan, 2009.
5. Федеральный закон от 17 февраля 1995 г. № 16-ФЗ «О ратификации Конвенции о биологическом разнообразии» // СЗ РФ. 2005. № 8. Ст. 601.
6. Bram De Jonge, Niels Lowaars. The Diversity of Principles Underlying the Concept of Benefit Sharing // Genetic Resources, traditional knowledge and the Law / Ed. By G. Winter and Evanson C. Kamau. Earthscan, 2009
1. Nagoyskiy protokol regulirovaniya dostupa k geneticheskim resursam i sovmestnogo ispol'zovaniya vygod. Sekretariat Konventsii o biologicheskom raznoobrazii. Programma Organizatsii Ob'edinennykh Natsiy po okruzhayushchey srede. Kanada, Kvebek, 2011.
2. Christine Godt. Enforcement of Benefit-Sharing duties in User Countries // Genetic Resources, traditional knowledge and the Law / Ed. By G. Winter and Evanson C. Kamau. Earthscan, 2009.
3. Christian Gersteller. Sharing Benefits of Using Traditionall Cultured GRs fairly// Genetic Resources, traditional knowledge and the Law / Ed. By G. Winter and Evanson C. Kamau. Earthscan, 2009
4. Gerd Winter. Towards Regional Common Pools of GRs – Improving the Effectivenes and Justice of ABS // Genetic Resources, traditional knowledge and the Law / Ed. By G. Winter and Evanson C. Kamau. Earthscan, 2009.
5. Federal'nyy zakon ot 17 fevralya 1995 g. № 16-FZ «O ratifikatsii Konventsii o biologicheskom raznoobrazii» // SZ RF. 2005. № 8. St. 601.
6. Bram De Jonge, Niels Lowaars. The Diversity of Principles Underlying the Concept of Benefit Sharing // Genetic Resources, traditional knowledge and the Law / Ed. By G. Winter and Evanson C. Kamau. Earthscan, 2009
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