Статья 'Религиозно-философские взгляды Джона Адамса и их роль в формировании его политико-правовых идей' - журнал 'Философия и культура' - NotaBene.ru
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Философия и культура
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Ю.М. Головко Религиозно-философские взгляды Джона Адамса и их роль в формировании его политико-правовых идей

Аннотация: Джон Адамс (1735-1826) — видный деятель Войны за независимость, второй президент США, теоретик права и один из крупнейших политических мыслителей Просвещения, прошёл сложный, насыщенный путь философского и религиозно-нравственного становления. Ранние размышления Адамса на тему Бога и Писания, человека и природы, благочестия и добродетели помогают пролить свет на его зрелую политико-философскую мысль. Выступив в 1765 г. в поддержку прав колонистов, оппозиционер подтвердил те мировоззренческие принципы, которые сформулировал с окончания Гарварда. Пройдя путь от новоанглийского пиетизма к философскому рационализму Просвещения, Дж. Адамс не только сыграл важную роль в выявлении природы и характера духовно-нравственной революции, происходившей в «умах и сердцах колонистов» за десятилетие или даже два до Декларации независимости 1776 г., но и сам являлся её подлинным олицетворением и воплощением.

Ключевые слова:

философия, Адамс, пуританизм, деизм, Просвещение, рационализм, свободомыслие, гуманизм, гражданская, ответственность

Abstract: John Adams (1735-1826) is a notable figure of the War of Independence, the second president of the USA and one of the major politicians during the epoch of Enlightenment. His way to philosophical, religious and moral becoming was difficult and full of events. Adam’s early interpretations of God and Bible, human and nature, devotion and virtue cast light on his mature political and philosophical views. When he started to defend colonists’ rights in 1765, Adams proved his principles which he had formed when graduating from Harvard. Going long way from new English pietism to philosophical rationalism of the Enlightenment, John Adams did not only play an important role in determination of nature and peculiarities of the revolution but also became its embodiment and personification.


philosophy, Adams, Puritanism, deism, Enlightenment, rationalism, freethinking, humanism, civil, responsibility.

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1. Adams Family Correspondence. 8 Vols. Ed. by L. H. Butterfield et al. Cambridge (MА), 1963. Vol. 1.
2. Adams J. Adams J. Statesman and Friend, Correspondence of John Adams with Benjamin Waterhouse, 1784-1822. Boston, 1927.
3. Adams J. Diary and Autobiography of John Adams. 4 Vols. // The Adams Papers. Ser.1. Diaries. Ed. by L.H. Butterfield. Cambridge (MА): Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1961.
4. Adams J. Legal Papers of John Adams. 3 Vols. in One. Ed. by L . K invin Wroth and Hiller B. Zobel. Cambridge (MА): Belknap Press of Harvard University, 1965.
5. Adams J. Letters of John Adams, Addressed to his Wife. 2 Vols. Boston, 848.
6. Adams J. Papers of John Adams. 14 Vols. to date, ed. by R.J. Taylor et al. Cambridge (MА), 1977.
7. Adams J. The Earliest Diary of John Adams, June 1753-April 1754; September 1758-January 1759. Ed. by L.H. Butterfield. Cambridge (МА), 1966.
8. Adams J. The Political Writings of John Adams. Ed. by G.W. Carey. Washington (D.C): Regnery Publishing, 2000.
9. Adams J. The Portable John Adams. Ed. by J.P. Diggins. N.Y.: Penguin Books, 2004.
10. Adams J. The Works of John Adams, Second president of the United States: With a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations by his Grandson Charles Francis Adams. 10 Vols. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1850-1856.
11. Fielding H.I. John Adams: Puritan, Deist, Humanist // Journal of Religion. 1940. Vol. 20.
12. Heimert A. Religion and the American Mind from the Great Awakening to the Revolution. Cambridge (MA), 1966.
13. Mayhew J. A Discourse, Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-resistance to the Higher Powers: With Some Reflections on the Resistance Made to King Charles I, and on the Anniversary of his Death: in which the Mysterious Doctrine of that Prince’s Saint Ship and Martyrdom is Unbridled: the Substance of Which was Delivered in a Sermon Preached in the West Meeting-House in Boston the Lord’s Day after the 30th of Jan., 1749-50. Boston, 1750.
14. Mayhew J. The Writings of J. Mayhew in Puritan Political Ideas (1558-1794). Documents. Ed. by E.S. Morgan. Indianapolis, 1966
1. Adams Family Correspondence. 8 Vols. Ed. by L. H. Butterfield et al. Cambridge (MA), 1963. Vol. 1.
2. Adams J. Adams J. Statesman and Friend, Correspondence of John Adams with Benjamin Waterhouse, 1784-1822. Boston, 1927.
3. Adams J. Diary and Autobiography of John Adams. 4 Vols. // The Adams Papers. Ser.1. Diaries. Ed. by L.H. Butterfield. Cambridge (MA): Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1961.
4. Adams J. Legal Papers of John Adams. 3 Vols. in One. Ed. by L . K invin Wroth and Hiller B. Zobel. Cambridge (MA): Belknap Press of Harvard University, 1965.
5. Adams J. Letters of John Adams, Addressed to his Wife. 2 Vols. Boston, 848.
6. Adams J. Papers of John Adams. 14 Vols. to date, ed. by R.J. Taylor et al. Cambridge (MA), 1977.
7. Adams J. The Earliest Diary of John Adams, June 1753-April 1754; September 1758-January 1759. Ed. by L.H. Butterfield. Cambridge (MA), 1966.
8. Adams J. The Political Writings of John Adams. Ed. by G.W. Carey. Washington (D.C): Regnery Publishing, 2000.
9. Adams J. The Portable John Adams. Ed. by J.P. Diggins. N.Y.: Penguin Books, 2004.
10. Adams J. The Works of John Adams, Second president of the United States: With a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations by his Grandson Charles Francis Adams. 10 Vols. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1850-1856.
11. Fielding H.I. John Adams: Puritan, Deist, Humanist // Journal of Religion. 1940. Vol. 20.
12. Heimert A. Religion and the American Mind from the Great Awakening to the Revolution. Cambridge (MA), 1966.
13. Mayhew J. A Discourse, Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-resistance to the Higher Powers: With Some Reflections on the Resistance Made to King Charles I, and on the Anniversary of his Death: in which the Mysterious Doctrine of that Prince’s Saint Ship and Martyrdom is Unbridled: the Substance of Which was Delivered in a Sermon Preached in the West Meeting-House in Boston the Lord’s Day after the 30th of Jan., 1749-50. Boston, 1750.
14. Mayhew J. The Writings of J. Mayhew in Puritan Political Ideas (1558-1794). Documents. Ed. by E.S. Morgan. Indianapolis, 1966
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