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Статьи автора Акамов Абусупьян Татарханович
Litera, 2022-4
Akamov A.T., Bekeeva A.M. - Koranic motives in Kumyk spiritual literature c. 49-62


Abstract: The object of this study is the Kumyk literature of the Middle Ages, which, along with the enlightenment, is dominated by the ideas of religious unity. As a result of the adoption of Islam by the peoples of Dagestan, including the Kumyks, their written literature, which was based on the Koran, acquires a pronounced general Muslim character. The spiritual literature of the Kumyks had the forms of religiouspreachings, reflections, philosophizing and instructions, which are popularly known as "Turki". The concept of "Turki", which includes numerous spiritual poems of various contents and forms, is a single system of genres, namely religious poems. The authors of this study also revealed that along with the strengthening of the position of Islam in Dagestan in the XVI century, religious themes were increasingly introduced into literature, occupying an important place in the works of Kumyk poets and theologians. The authors of the article consider the koranic motifs in the spiritual literature of the Kumyks in the works included in the collection "Majmu ul-manzumat al-ajamiya". The eschatological motives in this work can be divided into two parts: edifying, prescribing how to behave, and descriptive - a description of the horrors that await people in the event of non-compliance with these instructions.
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