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Щеглова И.Г., Зубова Л.В. О новых возрастных границах ониомании личности как асоциальном явлении

Аннотация: Статья посвящена ониомании у подростков. Так как предрасположенные к ониомании подростки избегают важные жизненные вопросы в силу своих индивидуально-личностных особенностей, проецируя изображение контроля. Прослеживается предрасположенность к шопинг-аддикции у старшеклассников от социальных факторов различной степени влияния – средства масс-медиа, воздействие социально-культурной среды. Акцентируется внимание, что подростковый возраст является фактором риска для развития аддиктивного и девиантного поведения, так как в нем имеется ряд индивидуальных и социальных факторов, способствующих этому. Ретроспективный, диалектический подходы, методы статобработки: сравнительный, корреляционный анализы по r-критерию Спирмена, непараметрический критерий Манна-Уитни Научная новизна состоит в выдвижении положения о предрасположенности к ониомании от условий господствующих идейных ориентиров современного общества потребления, оказывающих давление на индивидуально-личностные особенности старшеклассников, провоцирующих принятие и воссоздание аддиктивных и девиантных форм поведения молодежи. Выявлены прямые и обратные корреляции отдельных шкал индивидуально-личностных особенностей с предрасположенностью к ониомании у подростков.

Ключевые слова:

предрасположенность к ониомании, шопинг-зависимость, ониоманы, старшие школьники, подростки, аддикция, асоциальное явление, девиантное поведение, индивидуально-личностные особенности, компульсивная покупка

Abstract: The article is devoted to oniomania demonstrated by adolescents. Teenagers who have a disposition for oniomania are likely to avoid important life issues because of their individual peculiarities and projection of the control image. The authors analyze predisposition to shopping addiction demonstrated by high school students and how it is predetermined by social factors such as mass media and socio-cultural environment. The authors emphasize that adolescence is a risk factor for the development of addictive and deviant behavior, as it has a number of individual and social factors contributing to this. In their research the authors have used retrospective, dialectical approaches and methods of statistical analysis including comparative and correlation analysis based on Spearman r-criterion and non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors make a hypothesis about dependence of the disposition to oniomania on ideological values of the modern consumer society that have a certain impact on the development of personal traits of high school students provoking adoption and reproduction of addictive and deviant behaviors of the youth. The authors have identified direct and inverse correlations between particular scales of personality tests and predisposition to oniomania demonstrated by adolescents.


deviant behavior, asocial phenomenon, addiction, teenagers, older students, oniomany, shopping addiction, predisposition to oniomania, personal features, compulsive buying

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1. Shcheglova I.G. The peculiarities of value orientations of senior pupils-prone oniomania // Psychology and psychotechnics. – 2015.-№ 12. – С. 1234-1240.
2. Zubova L.V. Information and cognitive approach to the methodology of the genesis of antisocial personality. . Monograph. M.: «The House of Pedagogy», 2010. – 348.
3. McElroy, Susan H., Paul E. Keck and Katherine A. Phillips (1995), “Kleptomania, Compulsive Buying, and Binge-Eating Disorder,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 56(4), 14-26.
4. Epanchintseva, G.A. The Management process of the sovereignty of the individual as a problem of adult education // social and cultural dynamics of the region. Science. Culture. Education: Materials of all-Russian scientific-practical conference. – Orenburg, 2000. – S. 286-287
5. Harden A. (1996), TV Shopping: A Summary of Women’s Attitudes Gained Through Focus Group Discussions.
6. Lee, Seung-Hee, Sharron J. Lennon and Nancy A. Rudd (2000), “Compulsive Consumption Tendencies Among Television Shoppers,” Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 28(4), 463-488.
7. Harrington, Alexandra (2003), “Channel Shopping With Celebrities,” Response TV, 11(10), 32-35.
8. Stephens, Debra L., Ronald P. Hill and Karyn Bergman (1996), “Enhancing the Consumer-Product Relationship: Lessons from the QVC Shopping Channel,” Journal of Business Research, 37, 193-200.
9. Schlosser S., Black D.W., Repertinger S., Freet D. Compulsive buying: Demography, phenomenology, and comorbidity in 46 subjects// General Hospital Psychiatry. – 1994. – V.N 3. – P. 205-212
10. Black D.W. Compulsive buying: A review// Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.-1996.-V. 57.-P. 50–54
11. Miltenberger R.G., Redlin J., Crosby R., Stickney M., Mitchell J., Wonderlich S., Faber R., Smyth J. Direct and retrospective assessment of factors contributing to compulsive buying// Journal of Behavioral Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.-2003.-V. 34.-N. 1.-P. 1-9.
12. Dittmar H. Understanding and diagnosing compulsive buying. In: Coombs R, editor. Addictive disorders: a practical handbook. New York: Wiley; 2004. pp. 411–450.
13. Koran LM. Faber RJ. Aboujaoude E, et al. Estimated prevalence of compulsive buying in the United States.Am J Psychiatry. 2006; 163:1806–1812.
14. Bernik MA. Akerman D. Amaral JAMS, et al. Cue exposure in compulsive buying. J Clin Psychiatry.1996;57:90.
15. Faber RJ. O'Guinn TC. A clinical screener for compulsive buying. J Consumer Res. 1992; 19:459–469.
16. Lejoyeux M. Tassain V. Solomon J, et al. Study of compulsive buying in depressed patients. J Clin Psychiatry.1997; 58:169–173.
17. McElroy S., Jr Keck PE., Jr Pope HG, Jr, et al. Compulsive buying: a report of 20 cases. J Clin Psychiatry.1994; 55:242–248.
18. Christenson GA. Faber JR. de Zwann M. Compulsive buying: descriptive characteristics and psychiatric comorbidity. J Clin Psychiatry. 1994; 55:5–11.
19. Schlosser S. Black DW. Repertinger S, et al. Compulsive buying: demography, phenomenology, and comorbidity in 46 subjects. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 1994; 16:205–212.
20. Scherhorn G. Reisch LA. Raab G. Addictive buying in West Germany: an empirical study. J Consum Policy.1990; 13:355–387.
21. Bleuler E. New York: Macmillan; 1930. Textbook of psychiatry.
22. Kraepelin E. 8th ed. Leipzig: Barth; 1915. Psychiatrie.
23. Elliott R. Addictive consumption: function and fragmentation in post-modernity. J Consumer Policy.1994; 17:159–179.
1. Shcheglova I.G. The peculiarities of value orientations of senior pupils-prone oniomania // Psychology and psychotechnics. – 2015.-№ 12. – S. 1234-1240.
2. Zubova L.V. Information and cognitive approach to the methodology of the genesis of antisocial personality. . Monograph. M.: «The House of Pedagogy», 2010. – 348.
3. McElroy, Susan H., Paul E. Keck and Katherine A. Phillips (1995), “Kleptomania, Compulsive Buying, and Binge-Eating Disorder,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 56(4), 14-26.
4. Epanchintseva, G.A. The Management process of the sovereignty of the individual as a problem of adult education // social and cultural dynamics of the region. Science. Culture. Education: Materials of all-Russian scientific-practical conference. – Orenburg, 2000. – S. 286-287
5. Harden, A. (1996), TV Shopping: A Summary of Women’s Attitudes Gained Through Focus Group Discussions.
6. Lee, Seung-Hee, Sharron J. Lennon and Nancy A. Rudd (2000), “Compulsive Consumption Tendencies Among Television Shoppers,” Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 28(4), 463-488.
7. Harrington, Alexandra (2003), “Channel Shopping With Celebrities,” Response TV, 11(10), 32-35.
8. Stephens, Debra L., Ronald P. Hill and Karyn Bergman (1996), “Enhancing the Consumer-Product Relationship: Lessons from the QVC Shopping Channel,” Journal of Business Research, 37, 193-200.
9. Schlosser S., Black D.W., Repertinger S., Freet D. Compulsive buying: Demography, phenomenology, and comorbidity in 46 subjects// General Hospital Psychiatry. – 1994. – V.N 3. – P. 205-212
10. Black D.W. Compulsive buying: A review// Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.-1996.-V. 57.-P. 50–54
11. Miltenberger R.G., Redlin J., Crosby R., Stickney M., Mitchell J., Wonderlich S., Faber R., Smyth J. Direct and retrospective assessment of factors contributing to compulsive buying// Journal of Behavioral Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.-2003.-V. 34.-N. 1.-P. 1-9.
12. Dittmar H. Understanding and diagnosing compulsive buying. In: Coombs R, editor. Addictive disorders: a practical handbook. New York: Wiley; 2004. pp. 411–450.
13. Koran LM. Faber RJ. Aboujaoude E, et al. Estimated prevalence of compulsive buying in the United States.Am J Psychiatry. 2006; 163:1806–1812.
14. Bernik MA. Akerman D. Amaral JAMS, et al. Cue exposure in compulsive buying. J Clin Psychiatry.1996;57:90.
15. Faber RJ. O'Guinn TC. A clinical screener for compulsive buying. J Consumer Res. 1992; 19:459–469.
16. Lejoyeux M. Tassain V. Solomon J, et al. Study of compulsive buying in depressed patients. J Clin Psychiatry.1997; 58:169–173.
17. McElroy S., Jr Keck PE., Jr Pope HG, Jr, et al. Compulsive buying: a report of 20 cases. J Clin Psychiatry.1994; 55:242–248.
18. Christenson GA. Faber JR. de Zwann M. Compulsive buying: descriptive characteristics and psychiatric comorbidity. J Clin Psychiatry. 1994; 55:5–11.
19. Schlosser S. Black DW. Repertinger S, et al. Compulsive buying: demography, phenomenology, and comorbidity in 46 subjects. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 1994; 16:205–212.
20. Scherhorn G. Reisch LA. Raab G. Addictive buying in West Germany: an empirical study. J Consum Policy.1990; 13:355–387.
21. Bleuler E. New York: Macmillan; 1930. Textbook of psychiatry.
22. Kraepelin E. 8th ed. Leipzig: Barth; 1915. Psychiatrie.
23. Elliott R. Addictive consumption: function and fragmentation in post-modernity. J Consumer Policy.1994; 17:159–179.