PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal
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O.V. Sobakina Avant-garde Techniques in Polish Music in the 1960–70s. The Sonoristic and Aleatory Piano Works by Kazimierz Serocki and Bogusław Schaeffer

Аннотация: The interest in new artistic trends and viable means of expression became the distinctive feature of Polish music of the second half of the 20th century. In their aspiration for the creation of an individual style, Kazimierz Serocki and Bogusław Schaeffer enriched their musical language with usage of sonoristic, aleatory and serial techniques. The main direction of Serocki’s works was the search for new sound qualities, new means of usage of traditional musical instruments. The quest for stylistic synthesis can be considered to be the distinctive feature of the Polish school of composition of the 1960s and 1970s, since it was along this path, in particular, that the most artistically significant works were created. Particularly in this direction that Serocki brought along extensive changes of sound technique, which justified is fame as one of the most outstanding sonoristic composers. The musical development in Schaeffer’ piano works is determined by idea of “decomposition” and contains a multitude of interpretations. Following the aleatory ideas in various forms, during many years Schaeffer also introduced in his works the dodecaphony and serial principles.

Ключевые слова:

Polish music, 20th century, piano compositions, Kazimierz Serocki, Bogusław Schaeffer, avant-garde music, sonoristic technique, aleatory technique, dodecaphony, decomposition

Abstract: The interest in new artistic trends and viable means of expression became the distinctive feature of Polish music of the second half of the 20th century. In their aspiration for the creation of an individual style, Kazimierz Serocki and Bogusław Schaeffer enriched their musical language with usage of sonoristic, aleatory and serial techniques. The main direction of Serocki’s works was the search for new sound qualities, new means of usage of traditional musical instruments. The quest for stylistic synthesis can be considered to be the distinctive feature of the Polish school of composition of the 1960s and 1970s, since it was along this path, in particular, that the most artistically significant works were created. Particularly in this direction that Serocki brought along extensive changes of sound technique, which justified is fame as one of the most outstanding sonoristic composers. The musical development in Schaeffer’ piano works is determined by idea of “decomposition” and contains a multitude of interpretations. Following the aleatory ideas in various forms, during many years Schaeffer also introduced in his works the dodecaphony and serial principles.


Polish music, 20th century, piano compositions, Kazimierz Serocki, Bogusław Schaeffer, avant-garde music, sonoristic technique, aleatory technique, dodecaphony, decomposition

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3. Gawrońska, B. Organizacja tworzywa muzycznego w twórczości Kazimierza Serockiego po roku 1960 // Muzyka. 1981, N 2.
4. Chomiński J.M. Histоria harmonii i kontrapunktu. T. III. Kraków: PWM, 1990.
5. Chomiński J.M., Wilkowska-Chomińska K. Historia muzyki polskiej. Cz. II. Kraków: PWM, 1996.
6. Pociej B. Żródła aleatorismu. III. Gra // Ruch muzyczny. 1966, N 20.
7. Zieliński T.A. “A piacere” Kazimierza Serockiego // Ruch muzyczny. 1963, N 22.
8. Zieliński T.A. O twórczości Kazimierza Serockiego / Muzyka polska w dokumentacjach i interpretacjach. Kraków: PWM, 1985.
1. Витольд Лютославский. Беседы Ирины Никольской с Витольдом Лютославским. Статьи, воспоминания. М.: Тантра, 1995. [Witold Lutosławski. Conversations of Irina Nikolskaya with Witold Lutosławski. Articles, Memoirs. Moscow: Tantra, 1995].
2. Buczek B. Twórczość Bogusława Schaeffera – tendencje, idee, realizacje // Przemiany techniki dźwiękowej, stylu i estetyki w polskiej muzyce lat 70 / Ed. L. Polony. Kraków: Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, 1986.
3. Gawrońska, B. Organizacja tworzywa muzycznego w twórczości Kazimierza Serockiego po roku 1960 // Muzyka. 1981, N 2.
4. Chomiński J.M. Histоria harmonii i kontrapunktu. T. III. Kraków: PWM, 1990.
5. Chomiński J.M., Wilkowska-Chomińska K. Historia muzyki polskiej. Cz. II. Kraków: PWM, 1996.
6. Pociej B. Żródła aleatorismu. III. Gra // Ruch muzyczny. 1966, N 20.
7. Zieliński T.A. “A piacere” Kazimierza Serockiego // Ruch muzyczny. 1963, N 22.
8. Zieliński T.A. O twórczości Kazimierza Serockiego / Muzyka polska w dokumentacjach i interpretacjach. Kraków: PWM, 1985.