Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
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Борзило Е.Ю. Соглашение и согласованные действия в зарубежном антимонопольном законодательстве

Ключевые слова:

конкуренция, хозяйствующий субъект, рынок, товар, ограничение конкуренции, ущерб, соглашение, договор, согласованные действия, параллельные действия.


competition, entity, market, goods, restraint of competition, damage, agreement, concerted practices, parallel actions.

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1. Y. Auguet, Droit de la concurrence, Ellises, P., 2002.
2. I. Van Bael and J.-F. Bellis, Competition Law of the European Community, Fifth Edition, 5th Kluwer Law International 2010.
3. N. Green and A. Robertson, Commercial Agreements and Competition Law, Practice and Procedure in EC and UK, Kluwer Law, 1997.
4. M. Malaurie-Vignal, Droit de la concurrence, L.G.D.J. 2002
5. M. Mendelson, St. Rose, Guide to the EC Block Exemption for vertical agreements, international competition law series, v4, Kluwer Law Int.2002
6. M. Ris, The EC rules on Competition: The Concerted Practices Doctrine, 13B.C. International and Comparative Law Review 465 (1990)
1. Y. Auguet, Droit de la concurrence, Ellises, P., 2002.
2. I. Van Bael and J.-F. Bellis, Competition Law of the European Community, Fifth Edition, 5th Kluwer Law International 2010.
3. N. Green and A. Robertson, Commercial Agreements and Competition Law, Practice and Procedure in EC and UK, Kluwer Law, 1997.
4. M. Malaurie-Vignal, Droit de la concurrence, L.G.D.J. 2002
5. M. Mendelson, St. Rose, Guide to the EC Block Exemption for vertical agreements, international competition law series, v4, Kluwer Law Int.2002
6. M. Ris, The EC rules on Competition: The Concerted Practices Doctrine, 13B.C. International and Comparative Law Review 465 (1990)