Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations
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Костенко Н.И. Роль Организации Объединенных Наций по решению проблем правосудия переходного периода и господства права в конфликтных

Аннотация: The goal of this article is to draw attention to the key issues regarding the activities of the United Nations Organization in the sphere of solving the problems of justice of transitional period and support of supremacy of law in conflict and post-conflict subjects in the last two decades. In order to achieve this goal the author uses critical and comparative analysis of the legal basis and doctrine in the sphere of fundamental values, which the international community now faces: reform and support of administering justice and the principle of supremacy of law. The analysis shows that compliance to lawfulness in the sphere of support of justice and supremacy of law in the conflict and post-conflict is fundamental for the guarantees of sustainable peace after resolving a conflict, and also for the efficient protection of human rights, sustainable economic progress and development. This experience shows that protection of peace both in the short-term perspective in the post-conflict period and in the long-term perspective are impossible, unless the population of the states become assured that they can achieve compensation of the harm caused to them via the legitimate structures for peaceful dispute settlement and fair administration of justice.

Ключевые слова:

проблемы правосудия, поддержка правосудия, реформа правосудия, отправления правосудия, принцип верховенства права, стандарты ООН, поддержка господства права, миротворческие операции, правосудие переходного периода, Международный уголовный суд

Abstract: The goal of this article is to draw attention to the key issues regarding the activities of the United Nations Organization in the sphere of solving the problems of justice of transitional period and support of supremacy of law in conflict and post-conflict subjects in the last two decades. In order to achieve this goal the author uses critical and comparative analysis of the legal basis and doctrine in the sphere of fundamental values, which the international community now faces: reform and support of administering justice and the principle of supremacy of law. The analysis shows that compliance to lawfulness in the sphere of support of justice and supremacy of law in the conflict and post-conflict is fundamental for the guarantees of sustainable peace after resolving a conflict, and also for the efficient protection of human rights, sustainable economic progress and development. This experience shows that protection of peace both in the short-term perspective in the post-conflict period and in the long-term perspective are impossible, unless the population of the states become assured that they can achieve compensation of the harm caused to them via the legitimate structures for peaceful dispute settlement and fair administration of justice.


problems of justice, support of justice, reform of justice, administration of justice, the principle of supremacy of law, the UN standards, support of the supremacy of law, peace-making operations, justice in the transitional period, the International Criminal Court.

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