Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations
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Щербович А.А. К вопросу о процессуальных основах деятельности специализированных учреждений ООН

Аннотация: This article concerns history of formation and procedural fundamentals of the activities of the specialized institutions (agencies) of the UNO. The author describes institutional provisions for the specialized UN institutions, regulating their plenary, executive and subsidiary bodies, as well as the most significant conditions for decision-making in each of the specialized UN institutions. The author analyzes specific procedural provisions regulating the decision-making practice on various issues in the sphere of competence of such UN institutions. The author applies the methods of comparative legal studies, procedural modeling, procedural schemes (the schemes are not included into the article). Any procedure is aimed at making certain decisions. Therefore, it would be viable to classify the decisions and decision-making subjects, rather than dividing the procedures into decision-making and other procedures. Then one could state that both the procedural norms and functions and structures of the bodies predefine the decision-making practice and influence the nature of these decisions.

Ключевые слова:

ООН, специализированные учреждения, правила процедуры, секретариаты, пленарные органы, исполнительные органы, вспомогательные органы, МСЭ, ЮНЕСКО, МОТ

Abstract: This article concerns history of formation and procedural fundamentals of the activities of the specialized institutions (agencies) of the UNO. The author describes institutional provisions for the specialized UN institutions, regulating their plenary, executive and subsidiary bodies, as well as the most significant conditions for decision-making in each of the specialized UN institutions. The author analyzes specific procedural provisions regulating the decision-making practice on various issues in the sphere of competence of such UN institutions. The author applies the methods of comparative legal studies, procedural modeling, procedural schemes (the schemes are not included into the article). Any procedure is aimed at making certain decisions. Therefore, it would be viable to classify the decisions and decision-making subjects, rather than dividing the procedures into decision-making and other procedures. Then one could state that both the procedural norms and functions and structures of the bodies predefine the decision-making practice and influence the nature of these decisions.


the UNO, specialized institutions, procedural rules, Secretariat, plenary bodies, executive bodies, subsidiary bodies, the ITU, the UNESCO, the ILO.

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