Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations
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Ерпылева Н.Ю., Максимов Д.М. Правовое регулирование международных комбинированных перевозок грузов, пассажиров и багажа

Аннотация: This article is devoted to the modern tendencies in the sphere of legal regulation of international combined transport of goods, passengers and luggage in the international traffic. Development of a wide rage of transportation and the need to rationalize the transportation of goods, passengers and luggage in the international traffic require use of various types of transportation in the international transportation of goods. Such types of transportation are called combined. A combined transportation is a consecutive use of two or more types of transport in international goods or passengers transport, and they recognize indirect combined transportation (by an expeditor) and direct combined transportation (by the combined transportation operator). The direct combined transportation is registered by the single (turnaround) transportation document, covering all of the types of participating transportation vehicles. Using the comparative legal analysis, the authors provide detailed evaluation of the norms of the key international treaty in the sphere of combined transportation of goods, which is the Geneva Convention of 1980 of the UNCTAD on international combined transportation of goods. The authors provide consecutive analysis of international norms regulating the substantial elements of contracts for the transportation of goods, responsibility of combined transportation operator for the loss or harm to the goods, the complaint procedure for dispute settlement, the limitation period and the bases for claims in court or arbitration institution for dispute resolution. This article also contains the detailed study of the Draft of the Federal Law “On Direct Mixed (Combined) Transportation”, which was provided by the Government of the Russian Federation, and which is aimed to serve as an instrument for the national legal regulation of this type of transportation. Its significant difference from the Geneva Convention of 1980 is a wider range of application, covering combined transportation of passengers and luggage in addition to combined transportation of goods.

Ключевые слова:

международное частное право, международное транспортное право, международные перевозки, комбинированные перевозки, оператор смешанной перевозки, экспедитор, договор перевозки, статус перевозчика, ответственность перевозчика, международный договор

Abstract: This article is devoted to the modern tendencies in the sphere of legal regulation of international combined transport of goods, passengers and luggage in the international traffic. Development of a wide rage of transportation and the need to rationalize the transportation of goods, passengers and luggage in the international traffic require use of various types of transportation in the international transportation of goods. Such types of transportation are called combined. A combined transportation is a consecutive use of two or more types of transport in international goods or passengers transport, and they recognize indirect combined transportation (by an expeditor) and direct combined transportation (by the combined transportation operator). The direct combined transportation is registered by the single (turnaround) transportation document, covering all of the types of participating transportation vehicles. Using the comparative legal analysis, the authors provide detailed evaluation of the norms of the key international treaty in the sphere of combined transportation of goods, which is the Geneva Convention of 1980 of the UNCTAD on international combined transportation of goods. The authors provide consecutive analysis of international norms regulating the substantial elements of contracts for the transportation of goods, responsibility of combined transportation operator for the loss or harm to the goods, the complaint procedure for dispute settlement, the limitation period and the bases for claims in court or arbitration institution for dispute resolution. This article also contains the detailed study of the Draft of the Federal Law “On Direct Mixed (Combined) Transportation”, which was provided by the Government of the Russian Federation, and which is aimed to serve as an instrument for the national legal regulation of this type of transportation. Its significant difference from the Geneva Convention of 1980 is a wider range of application, covering combined transportation of passengers and luggage in addition to combined transportation of goods.


international private law, international transportation law, international transportation, combined transportation, combined transportation operator, expeditors, transportation contract, status of a carrier, responsibility of a carrier, international treaty.

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