Филология: научные исследования
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П.С. Гуревич Сигнал, рассыпанный из тысячи рожков… Разум, воплощеный в прекрасных звуках. Переписка как исторический документ

Аннотация: A Signal Spilled Out of a Thousand of Horns: This is the review of Igor Stavinsky’s book ‘Chronics. Poetics’ published in St. Petersburg in 2012. The book contains the two works by Igor Stavinsky, ‘Chronics of my Life’ written in 1935 and ‘Musical Poetics’ written in 1939. A Mind Materialized in Beautiful Sounds: This is the review of Maria Lobanova’s book ‘Theosophist. Theurgist. Mystic. Magician: Alexander Skryabin and his Time’ published in Moscow in 2012.

Ключевые слова:

philology, chronics, Igor Stavinsky, poetics, esthetics, theology, Alexander Skryabin, art, symbolism.

Abstract: A Signal Spilled Out of a Thousand of Horns: This is the review of Igor Stavinsky’s book ‘Chronics. Poetics’ published in St. Petersburg in 2012. The book contains the two works by Igor Stavinsky, ‘Chronics of my Life’ written in 1935 and ‘Musical Poetics’ written in 1939. A Mind Materialized in Beautiful Sounds: This is the review of Maria Lobanova’s book ‘Theosophist. Theurgist. Mystic. Magician: Alexander Skryabin and his Time’ published in Moscow in 2012.


philology, chronics, Igor Stavinsky, poetics, esthetics, theology, Alexander Skryabin, art, symbolism.

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1. Стравинский Игорь. Хроника. Поэтика. М., Санкт-Петербург, 2012. 368 с.
2. Лобанова Мария. Теософ. Теург. Мистик. Маг: Александр Скрябин и его врем. М.: Петроглиф, 2012. 368 с.
3. Сафонов Василий. Избранное. «Давайте переписываться с американской быстротою…». Переписка 1880-1905 годов. СПб: Петроглиф, 2011. 760 с.
1. Stravinskiy Igor'. Khronika. Poetika. M., Sankt-Peterburg, 2012. 368 s.
2. Lobanova Mariya. Teosof. Teurg. Mistik. Mag: Aleksandr Skryabin i ego vrem. M.: Petroglif, 2012. 368 s.
3. Safonov Vasiliy. Izbrannoe. «Davayte perepisyvat'sya s amerikanskoy bystrotoyu…». Perepiska 1880-1905 godov. SPb: Petroglif, 2011. 760 s.