Статья 'Peculiarities of the initial investigation of human trafficking' - журнал 'SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences' - NotaBene.ru
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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Правильная ссылка на статью:

Peculiarities of the initial investigation of human trafficking

Адмиралова Ирина Александровна

кандидат юридических наук

доцент, кафедра оперативно-розыскной деятельности органов внутренних дел, Всероссийский институт повышения квалификации сотрудников МВД России

142000, Россия, Московская область, г. Домодедово, ул. Пихтовая, 3

Admiralova Irina Aleksandrovna

PhD in Law

Associate Professor at the All-Russian Advanced Training Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

142000, Russia, Domodedovo, ul. Pikhtovaya, 3

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Аннотация: the article contains information about the initial investigation practices and peculiarities of the criminal case opening in russian law on matters related to human trafficking . The article draws attention to what is understood by the phase of initial investigation in criminal investigation. The author determines it as a quite independent segment in the work on a criminal case, during which, along with the general tasks, some specific and casual tasks are being solved, meaning the tasks related to the crime detection and investigation and which are characteristic of this particular phase in this investigation. Author gives a number of criminalistics recommendations on investigation of human trafficking; tackles practical peculiarities of investigatory actions and special investigation activities; consider several practical cases. Author also points out that currently human trafficking has become one of the most dangerous and widely spread crimes committed by the organized international criminal communities.

Ключевые слова:

methodology, investigation, offence, trade, person, circumstance, etective, action, prevention, community

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6. Prevention of human trafficking in the Russian Federation. Scientific report edited by Ovchinsky V. S. and Torbin Y. G. M., 2009, Page 175.
7. Luzgin I. M. Modeling in investigation of a crime. M., 1981,152
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10. Fakhrutdinov R. R. Guidelines of investigation of human trafficking. Ph. D. in Law dissertation abstract. Chelyabinsk, 2011. Page 7.
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1. Belkin R. S. A course in criminal investigation. In Three Vol. Vol. 1. General theory of crime investigation. — M., 1997. Page 408.
2. Belkin R. S. A course in criminal investigation. In Three Vol. Vol. 2. Inciden-tal theories of criminal investigation. M., 1997. Page 464.
3. Vozgrin I. A. General notions of criminal investigation strategies, L., 1988. Page 27.
4. Dulov A. V. Task force operations in investigation of crimes. Minsk, 1979. Page128.
5. Polyakova M. A. Application of special knowledge in investigation of the crimes related to human trafficking and slave labor. Ph. D. in Law dissertation abstract. — N-Novgorod, 2011. Page 10
6. Prevention of human trafficking in the Russian Federation. Scientific report edited by Ovchinsky V. S. and Torbin Y. G. M., 2009, Page 175.
7. Luzgin I. M. Modeling in investigation of a crime. M., 1981,152
8. Selivanov S. A. Soviet criminal investigation. Concept system. M., 1982. Page 152.
9. Stepanov V. V. Preliminary review of the raw information about the crimes. Saratov, 1972. Page 57.
10. Fakhrutdinov R. R. Guidelines of investigation of human trafficking. Ph. D. in Law dissertation abstract. Chelyabinsk, 2011. Page 7.
11. Shushkevich I. Ch. Peculiarities of prevention and investigation of the crimes related to human trafficking: Study guide. M.: Wolters Kluwer, 2008. Page 6.
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