Статья 'Новый Закон о референдуме. ' - журнал 'Право и политика' - NotaBene.ru
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ГЛАВНАЯ > Вернуться к содержанию
Право и политика
Правильная ссылка на статью:

Лучин В.О., Мазуров А. В. Новый Закон о референдуме.

Аннотация: Are the subjects of the Russian Federation capable of establishing their own bases of constitutional order in the sphere of property? Or should they replicate the provisions of the federal law? In his article A.N. Samochkin studies the place of the institution of property within the two-tier system of constitutional legislation of the Russian Federation. The article also contains critical evaluation of provisions of constitutions and ustavs of the subjects of the Russian Federations and various solutions, that are present in the constitutions and ustavs of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The author then comes to the conclusion that one cannot consider the institution of property to be completely formed, since there are serious contradictions between the norms, that were passed on the federal level and norms passed on the regional level.

Abstract: Are the subjects of the Russian Federation capable of establishing their own bases of constitutional order in the sphere of property? Or should they replicate the provisions of the federal law? In his article A.N. Samochkin studies the place of the institution of property within the two-tier system of constitutional legislation of the Russian Federation. The article also contains critical evaluation of provisions of constitutions and ustavs of the subjects of the Russian Federations and various solutions, that are present in the constitutions and ustavs of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The author then comes to the conclusion that one cannot consider the institution of property to be completely formed, since there are serious contradictions between the norms, that were passed on the federal level and norms passed on the regional level.

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