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Space Research
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Space and Turkey / Space and Turkey

Йылмаз Саит

доктор наук, профессор, факультет политологии и международных отношений, Университет Едитепе (Стамбул)

34755, Турция, г. Стамбул, ул. Кайишдагы, 26

Yilmaz Sait

34755, Turtsiya, g. Stambul, ul. Kaiishdagy, 26




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Аннотация: Участие развивающихся стран в реализации космических программ открывает новые преимущества по совершенствованию их технологических и финансовых возможностей для обеспечения национальных интересов. В современном мире космические исследования становятся все более важным инструментом успешного и независимого развития. В работе на основе большего количества фактических данных исследовано современное состояние космической промышленности и выделены основные тренды развития космических исследований в Турции с учетом возможных военных сценариев и гражданских потребностей. Для решения поставленных задач были использованы формально-логический, системный, компаративный (сравнительно–исторический и сравнительно–правовой) и другие методы научного исследования. Отмечено, что рост космического сектора объективно формирует новый тренд научного и промышленного развития Турции, способствует формированию более реалистичной инновационной политики. Показано, что, на фоне важности международного сотрудничества, основным содержанием космической политики должно стать не копирование образцов и решений, а развитие оригинальных проектов в интересах синергии, в том числе, на основе разделения рисков и издержек с зарубежными партнерами. Выявлено, что основным социальным барьером развития турецкой космической промышленности выступает неразвитость общественного сознания в этой области.

Ключевые слова:

Турция, Турецкое космическое агентство, Космические Исследования, Космические системы, Спутники, Космическая промышленность, Космическая безопасность, Военный космос, Космическая политика, Исследования и разработки

Abstract: Around the world, increasing numbers of developing countries are investing in space-related technologies, seeking partners for space projects, and even constructing launch facilities. Those countries must overcome many hurdles to benefit the space independently for their own security and to make significant contributions to peaceful activities, even if they use the advantage of turning up late in space studies. To see the concern between science and technology and space science and its technology within a country, it is sufficient to take a look at Research and Development investments supported by realistic policies. Incipient countries must consider the importance of international cooperation to share the risk and cost and to create synergy, rather than following and copying the initiators in discovery of space, they should be able to develop new technologies and creative solutions with increasing international actors and projects, and be prepared for future with flexible and sensational plans. Turkey took important steps within the last 20 years but these efforts could not attain desired results yet. Turkey gained a position as satellite and satellite sub-system developing country in the world classification of active countries with initiated space projects. Besides not having sufficient space industry within the country, most important obstacle towards Turkey is undeveloped social consciousness in this field.


Turkey, Turkish Space Agency, Space Studies, Space Systems, Satellites, Space Industry, Space Security, Military Space, Space Policy, Research and Development

1. Aslan, A. R. (2014). Where Are We in Space Discovery? (UzayKesfininNeresindeyiz?) Al Jazeera. http://www.aljazeera.com.tr/gorus/uzay-kesfinin-neresindeyiz
2. Davenport, C. (2015). A New Space Race Emerges as NASA Prepares to Award Contract to Ferry Supplies to Space Station, the Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2015/03/09/a-new-space-race-emerges-as-nasa-prepares-to-award-contract-to-ferry-supplies-to-space-station/
3. Department of Defense (2004). National Security Space Acquisition Policy, “Guidance for DoD Space System Acquisition Process” Number 03-01. Washington, DC: US Department of Defense.
4. Eisenhower Institute (2004). Space Security 2003. Washington D.C.
5. FM 3-14 (2005). Space Support to Army Operations (pp. 1-2). Washington D.C.: U.S. Land Forces.
6. Erturan, A. F. (2014). The New Army of Turkey; Founding of Space Forces (Turkiye’ninYeni Ordusu “Uzay Kuvvetleri” Kuruluyor), Star Gazete. http://haber.star.com.tr/teknoloji/turkiyenin-yeni-ordusu-uzay-kuvvetleri-kuruluyor/haber-897898
7. Gouveia, W. J. (2005). An Assessment of Anti-Satellite Capabilities and Their Strategic Implications. Astropolitics, 3-2, 176. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14777620590967208
8. Goker, Y. (2003). The New Vision of Air Forces (HavaKuvvetlerininYeniVizyonu). Journal of Turkish Air Forces, 243, 8-9.
9. Harding, R. C. (2013). Space Policy in Developing Countries (pp. 1-2). New York: Routledge.
10. Hurriyet (May 21, 2015). Turkey Opens First Satellite Center (Turkiye’nin Ilk UyduMerkeziAcildi).
11. Jaramillo, C. (2010). Space Security 2010 (p. 1). Ontario: Pandora Press.
12. Jones, M. (May 18, 2015). Falling to Earth: Is Russia’s Space Industry Dying? National Interest. http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/falling-earth-russias-space-industry-dying-12911
13. Jones, M. (December 9, 2014a). Asia’s Space Race Is Underway. The Interpreter, the Lowy Institute for International Policy. http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/asias-space-race-underway-11819
14. Jones, M. (December 5, 2014b). Space: America’s Forgotten Fronties. The Interpreter, the Lowy Institute for International Policy. http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/space-americas-forgotten-frontier-11794
15. Lewis, J. (2004). Space Weapons in US Defense Planning. INESAP Bulletin No.23.
16. Linster, B. (2009). Space and the Economy. In D. Coletta, & F. T. Pilch (Ed.), Space and Defense Policy (p. 55). New York: Routledge.
17. MacDonald, B. (2009). A Prohibition on the Testingand Use of Debris-Causing Kinetic Energy Anti-Satellite Weapons in Conference. Space Security 2009: MovingToward a Safer Space Environment, 15-16 June 2009, Geneva.
18. Pasco, X. (2009). Toward a European Military Space Architecture. In D. Coletta, & F. T. Pilch (Ed.), Space and Defense Policy (p. 1). New York: Routledge.
19. Pillar, P. (2014). Space, the Final Frontier between the Public and Private Sectors. National Interest. http://nationalinterest.org/blog/paul-pillar/space-the-final-frontier-between-the-public-private-sectors-11603
20. Putrich, G. S. (2008). High-Tech Satellites Breed Higher Expectations. Defense News.
21. Tubitak UZAY (2015). Bilim ve Teknoloji Yuksek Kurulu Onbirinci Toplantisi, Gelismelere Iliskin Degerlendirmeler ve Kararlar (pp. 63-100). http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/tubitak_content_files/BTYPD/btyk/11/11btyk_karar.pdf
22. TUBITAK UZAY (2015a). Turkiye’nin Ilk Yerli Yer Istasyonu Projesi TUBITAK UZAY’da Gerceklesiyor. http://uzay.tubitak.gov.tr/tr/haber/turkiyenin-ilk-yerli-yer-istasyonu-projesi-tubitak-uzayda-gerceklesiyor
23. TUBITAK UZAY (2015b). Ilk Milli Haberlesme Uydusunda Imzalar Atildi. http://uzay.tubitak.gov.tr/tr/haber/ilk-milli-haberlesme-uydusunda-imzalar-atildi
24. West, J. (2008). Next Generation Space Security Challenges. In UNIDIR, Security in Space: The Next Generation, 31 March-1 April 2008, Geneva, 35.
25. Wirtz, J. J. (2009). Space and Grand Strategy. In D. Coletta, & F. T. Pilch (Ed.), Space and Defense Policy (pp. 25-26). New York: Routledge.
26. Yilmaz, B. A. (2001). Space and Its Military Dimension (Uzay ve Askeri Boyutu). The 1st International Space Symposium (pp. 8-20). Ankara: Turkish Air Forces.
27. Yilmaz, S. (2014). Space Security (Uzay Guvenligi) (p. 3). Istanbul: Milenyum.
1. Aslan, A. R. (2014). Where Are We in Space Discovery? (UzayKesfininNeresindeyiz?) Al Jazeera. http://www.aljazeera.com.tr/gorus/uzay-kesfinin-neresindeyiz
2. Davenport, C. (2015). A New Space Race Emerges as NASA Prepares to Award Contract to Ferry Supplies to Space Station, the Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2015/03/09/a-new-space-race-emerges-as-nasa-prepares-to-award-contract-to-ferry-supplies-to-space-station/
3. Department of Defense (2004). National Security Space Acquisition Policy, “Guidance for DoD Space System Acquisition Process” Number 03-01. Washington, DC: US Department of Defense.
4. Eisenhower Institute (2004). Space Security 2003. Washington D.C.
5. FM 3-14 (2005). Space Support to Army Operations (pp. 1-2). Washington D.C.: U.S. Land Forces.
6. Erturan, A. F. (2014). The New Army of Turkey; Founding of Space Forces (Turkiye’ninYeni Ordusu “Uzay Kuvvetleri” Kuruluyor), Star Gazete. http://haber.star.com.tr/teknoloji/turkiyenin-yeni-ordusu-uzay-kuvvetleri-kuruluyor/haber-897898
7. Gouveia, W. J. (2005). An Assessment of Anti-Satellite Capabilities and Their Strategic Implications. Astropolitics, 3-2, 176. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14777620590967208
8. Goker, Y. (2003). The New Vision of Air Forces (HavaKuvvetlerininYeniVizyonu). Journal of Turkish Air Forces, 243, 8-9.
9. Harding, R. C. (2013). Space Policy in Developing Countries (pp. 1-2). New York: Routledge.
10. Hurriyet (May 21, 2015). Turkey Opens First Satellite Center (Turkiye’nin Ilk UyduMerkeziAcildi).
11. Jaramillo, C. (2010). Space Security 2010 (p. 1). Ontario: Pandora Press.
12. Jones, M. (May 18, 2015). Falling to Earth: Is Russia’s Space Industry Dying? National Interest. http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/falling-earth-russias-space-industry-dying-12911
13. Jones, M. (December 9, 2014a). Asia’s Space Race Is Underway. The Interpreter, the Lowy Institute for International Policy. http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/asias-space-race-underway-11819
14. Jones, M. (December 5, 2014b). Space: America’s Forgotten Fronties. The Interpreter, the Lowy Institute for International Policy. http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/space-americas-forgotten-frontier-11794
15. Lewis, J. (2004). Space Weapons in US Defense Planning. INESAP Bulletin No.23.
16. Linster, B. (2009). Space and the Economy. In D. Coletta, & F. T. Pilch (Ed.), Space and Defense Policy (p. 55). New York: Routledge.
17. MacDonald, B. (2009). A Prohibition on the Testingand Use of Debris-Causing Kinetic Energy Anti-Satellite Weapons in Conference. Space Security 2009: MovingToward a Safer Space Environment, 15-16 June 2009, Geneva.
18. Pasco, X. (2009). Toward a European Military Space Architecture. In D. Coletta, & F. T. Pilch (Ed.), Space and Defense Policy (p. 1). New York: Routledge.
19. Pillar, P. (2014). Space, the Final Frontier between the Public and Private Sectors. National Interest. http://nationalinterest.org/blog/paul-pillar/space-the-final-frontier-between-the-public-private-sectors-11603
20. Putrich, G. S. (2008). High-Tech Satellites Breed Higher Expectations. Defense News.
21. Tubitak UZAY (2015). Bilim ve Teknoloji Yuksek Kurulu Onbirinci Toplantisi, Gelismelere Iliskin Degerlendirmeler ve Kararlar (pp. 63-100). http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/tubitak_content_files/BTYPD/btyk/11/11btyk_karar.pdf
22. TUBITAK UZAY (2015a). Turkiye’nin Ilk Yerli Yer Istasyonu Projesi TUBITAK UZAY’da Gerceklesiyor. http://uzay.tubitak.gov.tr/tr/haber/turkiyenin-ilk-yerli-yer-istasyonu-projesi-tubitak-uzayda-gerceklesiyor
23. TUBITAK UZAY (2015b). Ilk Milli Haberlesme Uydusunda Imzalar Atildi. http://uzay.tubitak.gov.tr/tr/haber/ilk-milli-haberlesme-uydusunda-imzalar-atildi
24. West, J. (2008). Next Generation Space Security Challenges. In UNIDIR, Security in Space: The Next Generation, 31 March-1 April 2008, Geneva, 35.
25. Wirtz, J. J. (2009). Space and Grand Strategy. In D. Coletta, & F. T. Pilch (Ed.), Space and Defense Policy (pp. 25-26). New York: Routledge.
26. Yilmaz, B. A. (2001). Space and Its Military Dimension (Uzay ve Askeri Boyutu). The 1st International Space Symposium (pp. 8-20). Ankara: Turkish Air Forces.
27. Yilmaz, S. (2014). Space Security (Uzay Guvenligi) (p. 3). Istanbul: Milenyum.
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